If you’re looking for support to meet your infants feeding needs, you’ve come to the right place…

Help your Baby Flourish and Thrive by receiving Expert Infant Feeding and Lactation Support led by Jackie Komoroski, BSB, RN, IBCLC in North Atlanta (including North Fulton, Forsyth, Hall, & Gwinnett Counties)

As a Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Mother Baby RN, and Community Maternity Educator, my background includes working with families and babies in the hospital setting at both Piedmont and Emory Healthcare Systems including with babies born early and who start out in NICU, and with families after they’ve been discharged home from the hospital

I also provide Prenatal Breastfeeding Consults designed to learn the facts as well as the short and long term health benefits of breastfeeding and breastmilk, and to help you prepare to feed your baby when they arrive

I bring a wealth of experience and my heart to every family I work with to provide the type of support they need to meet their breastfeeding goals. 

  • Breastfeeding can be a wonderful experience for parents and babies but it can sometimes be challenging to navigate the journey alone. Having the support of an experienced and knowledgeable lactation consultant to guide you through any immediate concerns is of great value and can help answer your questions like…

  • How do I know my baby is getting enough milk if I can’t measure the amount?

  • Baby has a Tongue Tie or a Lip Tie, what do I do?

  • I have nipple pain when baby latches, or when pumping. Is it normal for breastfeeding to hurt?

  • Should I start pumping right after I deliver or wait until I’m ready to go back to work?

  • If you can relate to any of these questions please contact me for a FREE No Obligation Phone Consult using the calendar below and I will give you the support you need to feel confident in your ability to feed your baby, and enjoy your breastfeeding experience

  • Insurance?

    During your Free Phone Consult I use a quick online approval service to contact your insurance provider about your lactation benefits and find out if they cover the cost of your consults at 100%. Within 2 hours or less you’ll receive an email letting you know whether or not your consults will be covered.

  • Once approved you’ll receive a minimum of SIX In-Home or Virtual Lactation Visits At:






Schedule with Jackie —

**In the event that your insurance provider does not cover the cost of your lactation consults, you’re on Medicaid or Self Pay, I’ll work with you to give you the support you need at a price that’s affordable to you

  • What happens at our first visit?

    I complete a full assessment and medical history on both mom and baby

    I address your pain, your questions and concerns

    I weigh baby before and after breastfeeding to see how much milk your baby transferred at the breast, and to help determine if your baby is gaining enough weight

    I provide hands on assistance with positioning, holds, latching techniques, and pace bottle feeding

    I use measurements to help determine the correct flange size for you to use if you plan to pump, and I can help you request your free breast pump

    I also provide you with a personalized infant feeding plan, as well as a follow up plan at each visit

    I’m there to help you from latching to weaning and with everything in between

  • "Jackie is wonderful!! She has such a kind, calm and loving way with consulting at the hospital (and at home with Zoom), she went above and beyond to make sure I was comfortable with feeding my baby. She watched closely and listened to every bit of her feeding and walked me through it all. I learned so much from her, and I feel more confident about breastfeeding. She also gave me the reassurance and open arms to reach out to her if I needed her again. My baby and I are very grateful for her guidance and support!"

    — Leslie Fuller

  • "Jackie has been my class Instructor for My breastfeeding class as well as CPR infant class! When it comes to the classes, she’s very knowledgeable, answers ANY & ALL QUESTIONS you may have whether you think it’s a stupid question or not! She’s so sweet and makes sure you UNDERSTAND everything!! She follows up with you & makes sure you and baby are okay! I Recommend Jackie because she’s very personable. I had trouble getting my breastfeeding started and she didn’t mind coming to visit me in the hospital to help show me & get started and meet my wonderful daughter. She’s AMAZING!!!"

    — Mikayla Rose

  • "Jackie was the lactation consultant we wished we had day one at the hospital. She is very knowledgeable and sweet. She genuinely cares about helping you and will make you feel empowered and confident. Our first born arrived and nursing was already painful before we returned home from the hospital. Two different lactation consultants visited us there. They spent little time with us and gave only basic advice (which at the time we thought it was good enough). Then we had a consultation with Jackie a week after we go home, and it was eye-opening. Everything she taught us and explained to us we wish we knew the moment our daughter arrived! Even over Zoom, she was able to demonstrate proper nursing techniques, what a good latch looks like, get real-time feedback on the latch while I was feeding the baby, how to heal the nipples faster, and many other tips that I didn’t even think about until she mentioned them. She even explained to my husband what to look for and how he can help me out. I am now pain-free, and our daughter is healthily and ahead of her weight gain schedule, such a relief! Do yourself and your newborn a favor and speak with Jackie as soon as you can!"

    — Sonia Judith Sierra Silero

  • "Jackie is the BEST and is my go-to-lactation consultant whenever I have questions or need advice about breastfeeding. She is really passionate about the work she does. Being a first-time mom, breastfeeding was not only a whole new world to me, but it also brought a lot of challenges that I had never expected. When I was in the hospital (and through zoom consults), Jackie had such a kind and loving attitude that made me feel comfortable and reassured. She took her time to answer my questions and would even share some of her own experiences which made everything feel relatable and that I wasn’t alone in my struggles. I’ve learned so much from her and I would highly recommend Jackie for any lactation consultant needs. She is wonderful!"

    — Chi Yi

  • "I want to give kudos to one of the most dedicated health care professionals that I have ever worked with. As an Obstetrician at Piedmont Eastside Medical Center, I can attest first hand to Jackie’s passionate care of patients as a Lactation Consultant. She is extremely knowledgeable about breastfeeding and incredibly helpful to mothers, many of whom have never breast fed before. She makes herself very accessible to patients while they are in the hospital as well as after they have been discharged. I have worked with Jackie for many years. I am happy to recommend her without hesitation to patients who need assistance and/or reassurance with the breastfeeding of their newborn infant. "

    — Dr. Michael S. Mojcik, Gwinnett, OB/GYN AssociatesItem

  • "I first met Jackie during a Baby CPR class she taught at Piedmont Eastside Medical in Snellville. She was so gracious and allowed me to facetime my husband during the class because he was out of town working. I absolutely fell in love with her! Her passion for what she does was so evident and greatly appreciated! She handed out her personal cell number to everyone in the class and encouraged us to text or call anytime. I then decided to sign up for her lactation class and it was as amazing as the first class! I learned so much about my body and what to expect once my daughter Mckinley was born. When the day finally came that I was admitted, I requested Jackie and even texted her. She was working late that evening and still managed to visit our room at 10 pm!! I was happy to see her, she helped my milk to come in (the next day) and checked our latch as new mon/and daughter. She was so sweet and patient! Now that Mckinley is 7 months old, we still stay in touch!! Thank you for your special attention and care Jackie! God bless you!"

    —Shannon K. Byrdsong

  • "When I was pregnant with my son, I thought that labor would be the hardest part. I had planned to nurse, and thought like most people, that nursing would come naturally and be a breeze. The next thing I knew, I was laying there in the hospital with my sweet boy realizing that something wasn’t right. Nursing was PAINFUL! REALLY Painful!! He was fussy and couldn’t seem to latch right and I was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. I knew that I wasn’t doing something right, but when I asked the labor nurses, they said that as long as he gains weight and has wet diapers, he is getting what he needs. They didn’t tell me if he had lathed correctly or why I was in so much pain. When I brought my sweet baby boy home, things were not getting much better. He was losing weight and I was about to give up on my dream of nursing all together. Then I met Jackie. Jackie spent a lot of time teaching me tricks to get him to latch right. Suddenly, nursing wasn’t painful! Nursing became a bonding experience between my baby an I. Jackie was available anytime I called. She was so easy to talk to and knowledgeable! She taught me how to use a breast pump and how to store milk. She helped me get my son to take a bottle. Jackie was there to help when I struggled through clogged milk ducts. Jackie was truly a Godsend! Her patience, knowledge, understanding and advice helped me continue nursing my son until he was one. I am so thankful that I met Jackie! She is so much more than a lactation consultant! She is so knowledgeable, kind and truly is invested in helping moms. If you are going to nurse, you NEED a lactation consultant. If you are blessed enough to get a consultant as patient and knowledgeable as Jackie, you will find that nursing is an incredible nurturing experience for you and your baby."

    — Tiffany Owens

  • "I recommend Jackie 100%. She came to my rescue when I became a first-time mom 3 years ago when I felt extremely panicked because breastfeeding was very painful and because I had developed a ticking bomb as I became engorged. She responded promptly and without hesitation came to my aid despite the late hours. She cared for me with such patience and calmness. She explained, taught me, and answered my questions in a manner that I could understand. Her expertise is obvious, and she is a true professional in everything she does. I could see that she is very organized because she provided a folder with written material and other resources available that I could look at for further information. She is amazing and I trust her to the point that I know I will be seeking for her help again once my 2 nd . baby is born in the next few months!"

    — Hellen Rogel

  • "I can’t even tell you how many questions/problems Jackie has helped me with in just over 2 months. She is beyond knowledgeable and kind. I couldn’t have gotten through these things without her!"

    — Jackie Radzevick O’Donnell